金融援助 for Undergraduate Students


金融援助 Update!

RIC has begun awarding its current eligible 学生 2024-25 金融援助. 回国的学生可以通过MyRIC的学生中心区域获得他们的经济援助奖. Email the 金融援助 Office or call the 金融援助 Office with any questions.

学生经济援助办公室为目前无力支付教育费用的本科生提供帮助. The office administers an extensive program of scholarships, 奖助金, 贷款, and part-time employment opportunities.

Demonstrated Financial Need

证明经济需要是授予经济援助的主要因素, 虽然每年都会颁发一些奖学金来表彰优秀的学术成就或特殊才能. Please find our additional information on financial aid eligibility and how to apply.

Eligibility and Application Information


  • Enrolled in a program that will lead to a degree
  • U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens
  • Enrolled at the College at least half-time (6-8 credits for undergraduates; 4.5 or more credits for graduate 学生). 一些学习时间少于一半的学生可以获得有限的联邦佩尔助学金.
  • Maintaining 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress

For financial aid purposes, 学生身份通常在添加期结束后(学期的前两周)进行验证。. 如果学生在补充期结束时的状态低于全日制,那么他们的奖励金额可能会按比例减少和/或取消.

Those who are officially classified as non-matriculated 学生, visiting 学生, or special 学生 should anticipate that their awards would be canceled. 

参加旨在获得第二个学士学位的课程或罗德岛教师认证课程(RITE)的学生被认为没有资格获得esball官方网或通过esball官方网提供的几乎所有赠款/礼品援助. 第二学士学位和RITE的学生可能会被考虑以贷款和/或工作机会的形式获得经济援助.

Complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA.

RIC's Federal School Code is 003407.


When completing the FAFSA, 我们鼓励您使用IRS数据检索工具将您的IRS纳税申报表数据直接转移到您的FAFSA. This will make the application process easier and more accurate. In order to successfully use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, you must have a:

  • Federal tax return filed with the IRS
  • Valid Social Security number
  • Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID
  • Unchanged marital status since December 31 ​of the prior year

提交FAFSA后,联邦处理人员将发送一封确认电子邮件. 第二封电子邮件将在不久之后发送给学生,确认FAFSA已被处理. At that time, you may view a Student Aid Report (SAR). Be sure Rhode Island College is listed on the SAR (School Code 003407), otherwise we will not receive your information from the 联邦 processor. If a SAR is not received within five to 10 days, please contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.

除非在授予信中另有说明,否则助学金不会自动续期. Almost all student aid at the College must be reapplied for every year.

注:esball官方网保留要求核实任何和所有申请经济援助的申请人提交的收入数据的权利. 对于那些被要求进行此类核实的人,将在收到所要求的信息/文件后给予奖励. Forms of documentation or verification that may be requested include, but are not limited to, 联邦所得税申报表和未纳税收入授权书副本. 报告数据的任何差异都可能导致经济援助奖励的调整或取消,并可能报告给联邦政府进行进一步审查并可能采取法律行动.

所有由学院或通过学院颁发的奖项都是有条件的,并且是基于颁发奖项时学院官员可以获得的信息. 所有奖项均为, 因此, subject to change and/or cancellation, should the College become aware of facts, 条件, and/or circumstances that differ from those upon which the award(s) was (were) based. 类似的, 所有的奖励都取决于学院从州获得足够的资金, 联邦, or other funding sources and/or donors to cover award offers.

联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的优先申请截止日期是4月15日, with rolling consideration thereafter. esball官方网已经开始为符合条件的2024-25学年新生提供经济援助. Students will be 电子邮件ed when their financial aid award is available in the MyRIC Student Center

If you have not done so already, we strongly encourage you to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA as soon as possible.

RIC's Federal School Code is 003407.

Understand the 2024-25 FAFSA Filing Updates

除非在授予信中另有说明,否则助学金不会自动续期. 几乎所有学院的学生援助都必须在优先截止日期前完成新的FAFSA,每年重新申请.

In addition to the process outlined above, 希望申请暑期课程经济援助的学生必须提交罗德岛大学暑期课程经济援助申请. These forms are available from the Office of Student 金融援助 by March 15.

如果你计划参加暑期班,并对申请经济援助感兴趣, 你应该esball官方网的办公室,与你的经济援助顾问预约,讨论授予过程.​

夏季课程援助取决于资金的可用性,通常由佩尔助学金组成, 直接贷款, and Federal Work Study. 在4月1日之前提交暑期申请的申请人优先考虑勤工俭学.

注意:在夏季学期期间收到的经济援助可能会减少您在接下来的秋季和/或春季学期有资格获得的经济援助金额. 这也可能导致你学年经济援助奖的处理延迟. 

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Office of 金融援助
